brand development
7 essential content ideas for strategic Instagram Posts
Success on the Instagram platform is dependent on the quality of content – both visual and textual, in order to facilitate engagement and expand your follower base. Content can be used strategically, telling your brand story while growing your following, using content which resonates with your target market. Along with quality posts comes consistency, posting…
Read More7 essential content ideas for strategic Instagram Posts
Success on the Instagram platform is dependent on the quality of content – both visual and textual, in order to facilitate engagement and expand your follower base. Content can be used strategically, telling your brand story while growing your following, using content which resonates with your target market. Along with quality posts comes consistency, posting…
Read More5 tips on writing impactful posts for LinkedIn
A LinkedIn post is basically a status update – letting your audience know what’s news with your brand and sharing new updates about significant developments in your industry and company. It is also an ideal place to feature a short yet powerful message which can make your brand relatable, encouraging dialogue and interaction which can…
Read More4 creative ways to use your Company Page LinkedIn banner
The LinkedIn banner appears along with your company logo at the top of your LinkedIn Company Page. The banner creates a context or your logo and company, providing insight into your brand’s services and offerings. Used as a vehicle to attract attention and interest through images and messages, the banner can be used strategically to…
Read MoreHow to write a good LinkedIn Summary for your brand
You have 2000 characters to write a good introduction. Keep in mind that only the top half or so is visible which means that you want to have the most important content at the beginning in order to motivate your audience to read further and start engaging with you brand. In terms of you overall…
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